Are your drivers’ qualified and competent to drive your vehicles?

26 June 2023

The Answer:

Where employees drive at/for work, employers are under a duty to ensure

that they are licensed to drive a particular type of vehicle. That is why it is

important that employers carry out driving licence checks as part of the

selection process before engaging them. Employers should also carry out

post-engagement checks annually/bi-annually to ensure their drivers remain

competent and free from endorsements.


The Risk/Threat: 

Drivers/employees could be fined, receive penalty points or even be

disqualified from driving. In extreme cases they may even face a custodial

sentences for motoring related offences.


Employers face health and safety prosecutions for allowing non-qualified and

incompetent drivers to drive their vehicles. They may even face liabilities for

civil claims under the principle of vicarious liability – whilst driving in the

course of his/her duties, the drivers’ actions and omissions, which cause loss,

damage or a personal injury, can be passed onto the employer. Insurance

policies may not indemnify the employer where they have failed to exercise

due diligence tests.


What do you need to do?

At the recruitment/selection stage, ask questions about their licence

qualifications, driving history and endorsements. Obtain copy of the licence and

carry out DVLA checks. Do this once, or ideally twice a year to check for



Incorporate clauses in the contracts of employment obligating employees to

inform you/keep you informed of endorsements, motoring prosecutions,

disqualifications and medical conditions which could impact their ability to



If you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our HR/Legal advice line team at 0116 274 9193.      

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