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What are the Risks of Dismissing Staff with Less Than 2 Years’ Service?

27 May 2024

Navigating employment law can be complex, especially when it comes to dismissing employees with less than 2 years’ service. While employers may assume they have free reign to terminate these contracts, the reality is far more nuanced. Understanding the legal landscape is crucial to avoid potential p…

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Government Plans to End ‘Sick Note Culture’ in the UK

23 May 2024

Data published by the NHS shows that 11 million fit notes were issued in 2023, with 94 per cent of these indicating that the recipients were not fit for work. A significant portion of these were repeat fit notes issued without further medical advice. These figures suggest that almost a third of work…

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Understanding the Duty of Care: Responsibilities for Landowners

22 May 2024

Did you know that as a landowner of business owner in the UK, you have a legal duty not just to those who are invited onto your property, but also to trespassers? It’s a surprising fact, but it’s one that carries significant implications for your responsibilities in maintaining safety and security.…

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Dissecting Volunteer Worker Status in Groom v Maritime Agency

16 May 2024

In a recent ruling, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) shook up the employment landscape by determining that a volunteer could – in fact, be classified as a worker. This groundbreaking decision challenges long standing assumptions and underscores the importance of getting to know the nuances of vo…

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Do Flexible Working Requests Extend to Those Suffering from Menopause?

09 May 2024

The Answer The Employment Tribunal in Johnson v Bronzeshield Lifting Ltd, upheld a constructive dismissal claim where a long service employee working as an administrator resigned after her employer refused her flexible working request, where the employee requested not to work on Friday and to have…

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First Aid: When to Review Your Policy?

09 May 2024

How often do you review your company’s first aid policies? Regularly updating these policies is vital to ensure they remain effective and compliant with current legislation, industry standards and workplace changes. Neglecting this task leads to outdated practices, increased risks and ineffective re…

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Resignation and Affirmation of Contract

07 May 2024

Following an alleged substantial and fundamental breach of contract by the employer, can the employee affected proceed to resign three months from the date of breach so as to claim constructive dismissal or would the employee’s delay amount to affirming the breach?   The Answer In the case of Dr P…

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Navigating the Updated Landscape of Holiday Pay Calculations

24 April 2024

As of April 1st 2024, employers must now adhere to updated regulations governing holiday pay calculation. These changes mark a significant shift in how holiday entitlements are determined - particularly for employees with irregular working hours, or those who only work part-year. In the dynamic and…

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Can Employers Use Biometric Tech to Track Employee Attendance?

18 April 2024

The recent Information Commissioner’s Office decision against Serco will require employers to review their company policy on the use of facial recognition technology and fingerprint scanning to check employees’ presence in the workplace. The ICO ordered Serco to stop all biometric processing for mo…

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Whistleblowing Protections when Employees Report Staff for Bullying and Harassment

12 April 2024

Where an employee raises concerns to an employer over staff bullying and harassment by another employee, can that employee rely upon whistleblowing protection if the employer terminates the employee’s employment, and that dismissal could be linked to the employee reporting bullying and harassment or…

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Employment Contract Variations and the Hogg Principle

11 April 2024

There have been numerous EL cases relating to whether an employer can vary the terms and conditions of employment for their employees. Now, there’s another recent decision on the matter in the case of Humby v Barts Health NHS Trust 2024 – and it’s one in which the Hogg principle plays a crucial role…

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Do Pranks and Banter at Work Warrant Dismissal?

04 April 2024

In the recent case of Richardson v West Midlands Trains, the ET dealt with the subject of dismissal for pranks and banter at work, awarding £40,000 damages for unfair dismissal.

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How the Home Office Plans to Reduce Net Migration

21 March 2024

In December 2023, The Home Secretary’s announced his 'five-point plan' to bring down net legal migration. Part of the plan is targeted at skilled workers such as care workers and dependants. So, how exactly will this be achieved by the Home Office? The Answer The government introduced a new rule o…

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Does the Absence of Exclusive Toilets Constitute Sex Discrimination?

19 March 2024

In the case of Abbas v ISS Facility Services, the EAT found a failure to provide adequate toilet facilities for females compared to males amounted to direct sex discrimination.

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Disability Discrimination and Reasonable Adjustments

19 March 2024

Did an employer make reasonable adjustments when they dismissed an employee instead of offering an alternative role on trial? The Answer No - as ruled the Employment Appeal Tribunal in the case of Miller and Rentokil. The claimant worked as a field-based pest controller. After developing Multiple…

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Automatic Unfair Dismissal for Breach of Parental Leave Rights

19 March 2024

Can a short service employee dismissed on grounds of redundancy or for any other reason, claim automatic unfair dismissal on the grounds that the real reason for the dismissal related to the intention to exercise his / her statutory right of taking parental leave, but in circumstances where the empl…

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Increase in Compensation Limits for ET Awards and Statutory Payments

08 March 2024

When are increases in compensation limits for employment tribunal awards and other statutory payments to take effect in 2024? The Answer Under provisions of the Employment Rights (Increase of Limits) Order 2024, the Government has announced increases to compensation limits that will apply for empl…

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Do Job Applicants Benefit from Provisions of the Whistleblowing Provisions?

08 March 2024

The Answer No, they do not, as ruled the Employment Appeal Tribunal in the case Sullivan v Isle of Wight Council. Although the court said judicial office holders were not employees for the purposes of the Employment Rights Act 1996, they were entitled to be protected against any sanction or detrime…

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Key Immigration Updates for Ukrainian Nationals Working in the UK

05 March 2024

Employers of Ukrainian nationals should be aware of the latest changes to the Immigration Rules. Effective from 19 Feb 2024, these rules mark an end to the Ukrainian Family Scheme.

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Exclusion of Liability Terms in Business Contracts

29 February 2024

Can an employer in a contract with a third-party business exclude or limit liability for an employee’s dishonesty, fraud, and/or gross carelessness? The Answer The High Court decision in the case of Innovate Pharmaceuticals Ltd v University of Portsmouth Higher Education Corporation [2024] EWHC 35…

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