Construction Dust Kills: Is Enough Being Done?

19 October 2023

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) carried out random construction site inspections between May and July 2023 and found that dust awareness was non-existent, or – at best, inadequate. As part of the 'Dust Kills' campaign, they visited over a thousand sites to see what was being done to prevent or control the risks from dust.

Construction dust is a major killer. Particles can be a thousand times smaller than a grain of sand. Symptoms are often not visible until it’s too late. Prolonged exposure to cement, sand particles, silica, plaster, sawdust - and other airborne particles generated on construction sites, can cause asthma, lung cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

What did the HSE find?

At some sites, the Inspectors found that workers were using old, often damaged, and ill-maintained tools. They also noted that extraction systems were seldom used. When they were, they were deemed inadequate. There was little to no use of water suppressant systems to dampen airborne particles. There were instances where appropriate PPE/RPE were not available or not being used.

However, it wasn’t all doom and gloom. The Inspectors found a few sites where water suppressants were being used and management were strictly carrying out Face Fit Testing to ensure face masks were being worn, and that they were effective against controlling the risk of dust.

What Should Employers do?

Preventing the creation of dust is the best practice. But – if this is not possible, try the following:

  • Buy pre-cut materials to avoid the need of cutting them to size.
  • Ensure cutting equipment is suitable and appropriate for the task.
  • Check equipment daily and maintain as per manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Use tools with a built-in extraction system.
  • Install and use dust extraction systems.
  • Use water suppressant systems to dampen airborne particles.
  • Provide suitable PPE.
  • Provide training and instruction for use of all PPE, including Face Fit Testing.

Employers are reminded that they are under a statutory duty to safeguard the health and safety of their employees. They are required to take all reasonably practicable steps to prevent the ill health of their staff by assessing the risks, and implementing control measures to reduce the impact of those risks.

For further information, employers are advised to call the HR Helpline on 01455 852028– where a team of experts can advise you on your obligations, and offer commercially practical advice.

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